
Have you ever filled out one of those registration cards in your software box or your PC?

In the summer of 1993 Pat had an idea that would change the registration process of all software and PC's sold to consumers. The idea was that most people never filled out the registration card in the software box they purchased and even fewer people filled out the card in the PC they bought. The actual numbers back then were about 15-18% for software and less than 10% for PC's. Pat Co-Founded and was President of Pipeline Communications, the Pioneer in this new world of "Electronic registration". From the period of August 1993 through June of 1995 Pat led the adoption and integration of Electronic Registration into the heart of the 10 largest PC manufacturers ( Compaq, IBM, HP, Acer, NEC, etc.) and 50 of the largest software companies in the world ( Symantec, Lotus, Adobe etc.). The results of the Pipeline Electronic Registration process increased registration rates from 15% in software and less than 10% on PC's to over 75% which had a direct impact on the bottom line net profits of over 77 of the largest companies in the industry. Pipeline Communications was later sold to a public company, Intelliquest Communications, Inc.